For Immediate Release

WWW.WAYP.COM has been published in more than 10 books.

OSLO, Norway, 30 January 2023 -----Wayp.com International white and yellow pages (WAYP) has now been published in more than 10 books. You can find the books on books.google.com. It was Tore Kristoffersen founder of wayp.com (former wajens.no) who gave white and yellow pages the name wayp. WAYP is as of today a worldwide acronym for White and Yellow pages.

You can read more about www.wayp.com in these books (https://books.google.com/books?q=www.wayp.com)

" The WWW address to Wayp Internet Group`s International White and Yellow Pages is:

For more infomation contact 

Tore Kristoffersen
+47 97900992

helpwayp a\t wayp §dot §com

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