WAYP.com  Sites that we are testing or do not meet our standard.  www.wayp.com

These sites are either under development, or have a service that we do not find satisfying.

A - F  ,  G - M  ,  N - R  ,  S - Z .

Algeria       (+ 213)   (fax numbers - selective)

Angola       (+ 244)   (World Telecom - under construction)

Antilles        (+ 599)    (fax numbers - selective)

Argentina    (+ 54)     (not satisfying)

Armenia      (+ 374)   (under construction)

Austria    (+ 43)   (white pages - testing seems ok)

Austria    (+ 43)     (Selective - Under Observation)

Austria         (+ 43)    (need telnet application)

Belgium     (+ 32)     (yellow pages)

Bermuda   (+ 1809)     (yellow pages)

Brazil          (+ 55)   (mostly homepages - very selective)

Bulgaria        (+ 359)   (white pages - selective, not in english)

Canada       (+ 1)    (fax - selective) 

Canada       (+ 1)       (yellow pages -down)

China & Taiwan   (+ 86)    (yellow pages)    (selectiv but seems ok)

Czech Republic  (+ 42)   (fax numbers - selective)

Denmark    (+ 45)     (white/yellow) pages

Ecuador     (+ 593)        (yellow pages - slow - selective)

Egypt          (+ 20)        (yellow pages - down)

Estonia     (+ 372)    (fax numbers - selective)

Ethiopia      (+ 251   (fax numbers - selective)

Finland     (+ 358)    (fax numbers - under observation - seems ok)

Gabon    (+ 241)   (fax numbers - selective)

Gambia       (+ 220)     (fax numbers - World Telecom)

Germany       (+ 49)     (yellow pages)

Germany (+ 49)     (white/yellow pages - selective)

Germany     (+ 49)     (fax numbers selective -under development )

Ghana      (+ 233)    (fax numbers - World Telecom)

Greece      (+ 30)    (yellow/white pages)

Greece     (+ 30)  (white pages)

Greenland   (+ 23)    (telephone company)

Honduras   (+ 504)  (yellow pages - selective)

Hungary     (+ 36)    (yellow pages - under observation - seems selective)

Iceland    (+ 345)     (yellow pages - under construction - seems ok)

Iceland   (+ 345)    (World Telecom - Under observation - seems ok)

India   (+ 92)     (yellow pages  - selective)

Ireland   (+ 44/+ 353)  (yellow pages - selective)

Iran    (+ 98)    (World Telecom - under construction)

Isle of man   (yellow pages slow)

Israel       (+ 972)   (yellow pages - under observation)

Ivory Coast   (+ 225)   (World Telecom - selective)

Korea  (+ 12)    (yellow pages - selectiv)

Latvia    (+ 371)    (World Telecom - selective)

Lebanon   (+ 961)    (white pages - selective)

Lebanon   (+ 961)    (yellow pages - selective)

Libya    (+ 218)   (World Telecom - selective)

Lithuania   (+ 370)   (yellow pages)

Lithuania   (+ 370)   (World Telecom - Under Construction)

Luxembourg (+ 352)   (yellow pages - seems ok)

Mariana Islands  (+ 670)    (fax numbers - selective)

Marocco    (+ 212)     (yellow pages - under construction)

Mexico     (+ 52)        (yellow pages - selective)

Mexico      (+ 52)       (yellow pages - selective)

Mexico     (+ 52)        (fax numbers -World Telecom)

Mozambique   (+ 258)     (fax number - World Telecom)

Netherlands   (+ 31)      (yellow pages -selective) 

Netherlands   (+ 31)      (white and yellow pages -down)

Nigeria       (+ 234)     (fax numbers - Selective)

Norway    (+ 47)        (yellow pages - selective - slow updating)

Paraguay    (+ 595)       (yellow pages / white pages - selective)

Paraguay    (white/yellow pages - selective in spanish)

Peru   (+ )    (yellow pages - )

Philippines    (+ 63)    (yellow pages - selective)

 Poland      (+ 48)    (yellow pages - never worked for us!!)

Portugal        (+ 351)    (white yellow pages -down)

 Poland       (+ 48)        (yellow pages  - slow)

Russia Far East Directory  (+ 7)    (yellow pages - under observation)

Singapore    (+ 65)       (yellow pages - selectic)

Singapore   (+ 65)        (white and yellow pages - need to register)

Singapore     (+ 65)      (white pages - very selective)

Slovakia      (+ 42)    (yellow pages - testing)

Slovenia       (+ 386)     (yellow pages - selective)

South Africa    (+ 27)   (yellow pages - slow, selective)

Sri Lanka     (+ )    (yellow pages - testing)

Sweden   (+ 46)   (yellow pages - selective)

Switzerland   (+ 41)  (white/yellow pages costs $ EUnet)

Switzerland   (+ 41)     (need telnet application)

Sudan        (+ 249)       (fax numbers)

Tahiti      (+ 1)    (yellow pages)

Taiwan @ China    (+ 886)    (yellow pages)    (selectiv but seems ok)

Taiwan      (+  )    (yellow pages)

Thailand   (+ 66) (yellow pages - seems ok)

Thailand ( + 66) (yellow pages)

Tunis     (+ 216)     (yellow pages - very selective)

WORLD TELECOM TELEFAX   ( fax numbers - under construction - some countries added - A very good site.)

Ukraine    (+ 380)    (Selective - under construction)

Uganda    (+ 256)     (yellow pages - selective)

USA       (+ 1)     (fax -selective)

USA     (+ 1)      (yellow pages - Bell    -selective)                     Info Bell

Yugoslavia   (+  )   (white and yellow pages - selective)

Brigham Young University

Other universities we are checking